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SME, Arhel, LIFE, acid whey, lactoferrin

We were pleased to be invited and participate in a webinar entitled “How to finance the greening of your food chain” organised by SMEunited in collaboration with the EU LIFE Programme

SMEunited is the association of crafts and SMEs in Europe with member organisations from over 30 European countries. SMEunited acts on behalf of crafts and SMEs in the European Social Dialogue and in discussions with the EU institutions. As a result of the collaboration with the EU LIFE Programme, SMEunited presented the leaflet “Green Perspectives in Food Production” in a webinar, which took place on March 24, 2021. As a tool, the leaflet’s objective is to provide inspiration and guidance to SMEs in the food sector on sustainable business in a simple way

The webinar gave us an opportunity to tell our story on developing greener products from acid whey for waste reduction, with the EU LIFE Programme's support. Our story is also included in the leaflet as a good practice.
The recording of the event is available at the following link.
Please find the speakers’ presentations here.
Moreover, the leaflet “Green Perspectives in Food Production” is published on the website of SMEunited.


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