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lactoferrin extraction, lactoferrin antimicrobial activity, ekstrakcija lakroferina, protimikrobna aktivnost laktoferina

Our first results of the LIFE for Acid Whey project will be presented at the VIVUS conference

Presentation of the process of extraction of lactoferrin from acid whey and its antimicrobial activity.

On October 26, 2018, will be held the 5th VIVUS Conference on on Agriculture, Environmentalism, Horticulture, Floristics, Food Production and Processing and Nutrition entitled "SOCIALLY ACCOUNTABLE USE OF NEW KNOWLEDGE AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES". 

The conference will be held  at Biotechnical Centre Naklo Higher Vocational College.

The representatives of Arhel d.o.o. and the Institute for Dairy Science & Probiotics will present the project results with two contributions, the "First results of “LIFE for Acid Whey” project – reuse of waste acid whey for the extraction of bioactive proteins with high added value" and "Antimicrobial activity of lactoferrin obtained from acid whey".

 You can see more about the conference on the following link.


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